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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of our most frequently asked questions answered below. If you have any questions, please contact us!
What is RAPID?
What is it? RAPID is a method of hands on neuro-fascial “reset” stimulating the deepest fascia of the periosteum. Why the periosteum? The periosteal fascia is the richest source of sensory free nerve endings in the body-richer than the eyes, ears, nose or skin. Stimulating the neurobiological system this way allows access to nearly one thousand times more sensory receptors than massaging muscle alone. By accessing the neurobiological system as such therapists are able to affect both the central and autonomic nervous systems to reduce tissue tone and increase intercellular tissue fluids, this in turn melts adhesion and tissue tension. Affecting the autonomic nervous system this way also has a global effect on the body by turning down the sympathetic nervous system. Most importantly therapeutic intervention to these free nerve endings is known to produce a chemical cascade in the tissues which dramatically reduces pain. In addition to the periosteum we also focus our work on the aponeurosis, nerve sheaths, tendons, joint capsules and ligaments as these tissues are also highly neurological. Simply put RAPID addresses dysfunctional nerve endings to reduce tissue tension and pain and place the body in a relaxed state.
When and where did it originate?
RAPID was developed by Canadian Massage Therapists Robert and Sherry Routledge who have been successfully using their method to treat patients for well over a decade. Their goal as teachers is to empower other therapists to gain a new level of clinical success with their most challenging patients. RAPID helps the therapist to gain patient compliance by quickly eliminating even the most painful issues in their clients.
What are the benefits?
RAPID offers the practitioner the ability to successfully treat the most complex painful musculoskeletal complaints that mainstream medicine offers little help for such as; sciatica, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, bursitis, frozen shoulder, Baker’s cysts, back pain, migraines, TMJ-D, vertigo, tinnitus, arthritis, knee pain, golfer’s and tennis elbow and so much more.
Infant Massage Classes
Are you going to massage my baby?
No. While this is a hands on class, this class is to teach caretakers to massage their babies. I will demonstrate on a doll while you practice with your baby.
What if my baby is asleep during class time?
Not to worry! All babies have different sleep schedules. In the event baby is not ready for massage, you can practice on a doll.
I'm pregnant, is this class for me?
Yes! Congratulations on your pregnancy! We recommend 2 classes while pregnant and the third once your baby is 3 weeks or older.
I have other kids, can they come too?
We offer family classes on demand. While infants are the focus of our classes, older kids love massage too. Send us a message so we can accommodate you!
My child has medical conditions, is this class for me?
Yes! Infant massage is very therapeutic for babies. Some medical conditions need small accommodations. Please indicate medical information on your intake form and contact us ahead of the first class. All medical information is confidential and accommodations will be provided to the entire group so no one feels singled out. We have training working with kids on the autism spectrum.
Can you provide classes at my place?
Sure! Send me a message and let's work something out!
Do you provide Massage Therapy services?
Yes, I am a Registered Massage Therapist and offer massage therapy sessions out of my home-based office. For more information, please look at the Massage Therapy
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